The difference between dry and dehydrated skin
date of publication: 01/03/2024
Reading TIME: 3 MIN 50 sec
Author of the post: Marie Summer
Knowing whether your skin is dry or dehydrated can bethe key to restoring its natural radiance. Here, [Insertname], one of Oblique’s star dermatologists, explainsthe differences and shares her top tips for keeping yourskin looking healthy and beautiful.
Many of my clients are surprised to learn that when itcomes to their skin, dry and dehydrated can meanentirely different things. Simply put, dehydrated skinis caused by a lack of water, whereas dry skin is causedby a lack of oil or lipids in the outermost layer ofskin, the stratum corneum. Also, whilst dry skin is askin-type, dehydrated skin can happen whether your skinis dry, oily, or combination. Working out which yousuffer from is the first step towards flawless skin.
Dehydrated skin vs dry skin: Which do you have?
- Although the symptoms can be quite similar, thereare some noticeable differences you can check for.Dry skin will typically feel rough and appear dryand flaky, whereas dehydrated skin can be sensitive,look dull, and show accelerated signs of ageing suchas sagging and wrinkles. Here are the symptoms I useto diagnose my own clients. Which list sounds mostfamiliar to you?
- There is also an easy pinch test you can use tocheck your skin’s elasticity. Lightly squeeze asmall section of the skin on your cheek or the backof your hand. If it doesn’t bounce back within threeseconds, your skin is dehydrated.
Dry Skin
- Dehydration
- Scaling
- Roughness
- Itchiness
- Loose skin
- Flaking
- Cracked skin
Dehydrated Skin
- Poor skin elasticity
- Sunken eyes
- Wrinkles
- Acne
- Cracked lips
What causes dry and dehydrated skin?
- (1) Air conditioning, central
Air conditioning and central heating can seriouslyaffect the skin’s hydration levels, as can cold ordry weather, and bathing in hot water. Even whereyou live can play a part, because the high limestonecontent in hard water areas can remove water fromthe skin.
- (2) Aging
As your skin gets older, it can lose moisture andyour cell turnover can slow, making you more proneto dehydration. This can age your skin, making finelines more prominent and giving it a rough texture.
- (3) menopause
This is a natural response to your body’s hormonalchanges, so I recommend pampering yourself bysplashing out on some new beauty products that willwork better for you.
- (4) wrong skincare products
In fact, using the wrong skincare products isresponsible for many of the skin problems I see. Ifyour products are too harsh, too light, or you arenot using them regularly enough, your skin cansuffer.
Dehydrated skin
- This happens when you have more water leaving thebody than entering it. Your body diverts water toyour organs to keep your body functioning – a greatstrategy for your overall health, but very damagingfor your skin.
- The most obvious cause is drinking too little water,but you can also become dehydrated through sweatingin the heat or during exercise. Sunlight is also afactor, as UVA rays increase the oxidants and freeradicals in your skin and speed up the ageingprocess. Sunburn, heatstroke, fevers, and diarrhoeacan also cause you to lose fluids. So can some typesof medications like antihistamines and laxatives.There are also some more serious medical conditionsthat cause dehydration such as hyperhidrosis anddiabetes, so you may want to talk to your doctor ifyour symptoms persist.
- Drinking too little water
- Sweating
- Sunlight
- Sunburn
- Heatstroke
- Fevers
- Diarrhoea
- Medical conditions
Dry skin
- The most likely cause of your dry skin is theenvironment. Low humidity and excessive bathing cancause dryness, as can the use of abrasives.
- You should also look at the ingredients in the soapsand detergents you use, as these might be at fault.Your overall health could also be a factor.Malnutrition, sudden weight loss, dermatitis, andeven chronic kidney disease can all dry out theskin.
- Environment
- Low humidity
- Excessive bathing
- Use of abrasives
- Ingredients in the soaps & detergents
- Overall health
- Malnutrition
- Sudden weight loss
What treatments are available for dry and dehydrated skin?
- There are some simple home remedies availableto you. For dehydrated skin, drink plenty of waterand electrolyte drinks. The added sodium, potassium,and magnesium will give your hydration levelsan extra boost. For dry skin, good qualitymoisturizers, serums, or lotions are key, but makesure you choose the right products. Our teamis always on hand to offer you the benefit of ourexpertise.
- I would also recommend you try a professional beautytreatment to rejuvenate your skin. Here at Oblique,the HydraFacial is one of our mostpopular bespoke facials for hydration and plumpness.My clients love the way it detoxes, cleanses, andintensely moisturises their skin to giveit an instantly gratifying glow. Others prefer thecelebrity favourite, IS clinical, for immediatehydration and luminosity, or ourBiologique Recherche facial, whichuses pure, raw, and active ingredients to regeneratethe skin at the cellular level.
How can you prevent dry and dehydrated skin?
- (1) Drink plenty of water
Women need to drink 2.7 litres of water every day tolook their best. Take care to drink more on sunnydays or after exercising.
- (2) Wear sunscreen
Keep those damaging UVA rays out of reach.
- (3) Avoid air conditioning and centralheating
Modern inventions make life more comfortable, butwhen it come to your skin nature knows best.
- (4) Use the right skincare products
Our bodies, and lifestyles, change over time, and soshould our skincare rituals.
- (5) Bathe in warm water
Keep the temperature comfortably warm rather thanscorching hot.
- (6) Live healthy
Eat moisture-rich foods, get a good night’s sleep,and reduce your alcohol and caffeine intake. Don’tunderestimate the power of being kind to yourself.Your skin will thank you for it.
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Date of publication01/03/2024