Why winter is the best time to start your laser hair removal treatment?
date of publication: 18/01/2022
Reading TIME: 3 MIN 25 sec
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It is better to start laser hair removal in advance.
Summertime is a beautiful time of year, it’s undeniable! But the sunshine, beach time, and general vacations mean one thing: hair removal.
This beautiful season comes with a lot of upkeep, not to mention razor burn.
Planning new summer outfits can be fun but it comes with a lot of preparation and hair management when it comes to shorts and bikinis.
The autumn-winter season is the perfect time to start your laser hair removal treatment.
Laser hair removal, waxing, and shaving
- The biggest difference in methods such as shaving and waxing, laser hair removal is convenient, pain-free, and permanent. Once complete you can forget about unsightly bumps, rashes, cut, and hair for that matter.
- Laser hair removal enables you to forget about the razor and the wax appointments forever.
- It seems unnatural to plan summer hair removal in winter, but a head start will deliver the wanted results by the time summer approaches.
- One of the main benefits in starting laser hair removal treatments as soon as the leaves turn brown is the decreased sun presence and thus the lessened sun exposure.
- During your hair removal sessions, we’ll use lasers that target the pigment of your hair directly in the follicle. Over the course of treatment, this disrupts the follicle’s ability to produce new hair. Because laser hair removal works better on lighter and undamaged skin, sun exposure and tanning can minimise the effectiveness of the laser treatments. Treatments also require 2-4 weeks before and after treatment without sun exposure, which is much easier to do in the winter than the summer. Given the shorter days, less time outside, and more conservative clothing, you’re much less likely to get too much sun exposure.
- Laser hair removal typically takes 4-6 weeks to fully remove the hair and allow your skin time to heal. Including the pre- and post-treatment time during which you need to be sun-free, this quickly adds up.
- During your treatment, you may experience slight discomfort that can be exacerbated by exposure to high temperatures and sunlight. We also highly recommend that you avoid direct sunlight on those areas being treated with laser hair removal, and summer makes that much more difficult.
Why winter season is the best time to begin your laser hair removal treatments?
- Since winter means warmer clothes and less time outdoors, it’s much easier to complete the full course of treatment without missing out on any summer fun.
- Sun presence starts to rapidly diminish in the United Kingdom around mid-October and doesn’t make a full reappearance until April or so, leaving you a good seven months of potential treatment time.
- Our laser treatments work on all skin complexions, but the treatment typically works best when there’s a contrast between hair and skin colour.
- For example, darker hair on lighter skin is much easier to remove than lighter hair on light skin, or darker hair on dark skin. You probably know by now that exposure to the sun causes damage, so minimising damage — which is good for your skin anyway — helps to get better results, faster.
- Since summer usually brings shorts and fun in the sun, you’re more likely to tan or sunburn, and that can alter the results of your treatment. For the best results, we recommend you begin your treatment before the weather warms up and your skin is more likely to be its natural colour.
- Don’t spend half your summer removing hair or hiding unsightly razor burns. Free up your time, save money with the best laser hair removal treatment on the market, and don’t wait!
- Contact us at Oblique Beauty House today to speak with one of our many therapists to set up your treatment plan to make unwanted hair a thing of the past. Getting your sessions booked in now is highly recommended so your skin can be healed and hair-free by the time warmer weather hits — or the time comes for that awaited summer vacation.
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Date of publication18/01/2022